Developing soft skills among students

Them:____Developing  soft skills among students

Sub Theme:_Communication

Topic: Effect of Teacher’s Effective Communication on student’s Academic Performance at Elementary level

Overall background of the participants of the project ; area /school: socio-economic status, occupation/ profession- earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic quality, and any other special trait of the community where the school is situated )(Marks :10)


Basically the current study sought to assess the perception of students regarding the role of teacher Communication skills in their academic success. Comprehensive questionnaire carrying information including social economic and demographic aspects.

All those school where primary  & elementary level  classes  offering were taken

as population of the study. The empirical data regarding the role of a teacher communication skills in students’ .academic success were obtained from (10, ten percent from each school) samples of 6 schools of Rehra bagh AJK.


Population.& Literacy Rate:

According to the Census Report 2017, Bagh had a population of 371,919 a growth rate of 3.6%. The average household size is 6.4 per family. Some 84% population lives in rural areas. The social indicators of Bagh district are quite encouraging as the literacy rate among male and female is 72.87% and 40.97% respectively. The working population of Bagh District is engaged in two major sectors i.e. agriculture/forestry and services/public administration.


My research area is town is (Rehra) where more than 12 school available .the population is more than 35  thousand and Socio-economic status of people is normal. The major tribes of the district are Mughals, Rajput’s, Gujars, Syeds, Abassi Sudhans, Awans and Khawajas. They all live peacefully like brothers. The people of the area are known for their velour, chivalry and shrewdness. They are martial people, hospitable and considerate, although poor.

            Various studies and reports indicate that socio-economic and educational status of District Bagh (Rehra) is satisfactory.

Mostly in this area families are Educated and doing little bit job. But few of family members is dependent on Guardian that are doing job outside of Pakistan like saudi Arabia, Dubai, And USA. Majority of parents are LABOR and Farmer that are works on daily basic and some educated guardian works in other fields like Government & Private Teacher, Banks and shopkeeper.


 The data was collected from the respondents through personally contact, Student interviews, and himself pre and post Test conducted after by observing English Language Teacher. Data was collected on interview, questionnaire on base of HYPOTHESIS

After collection of data, the data was finally classified in the form of tables and regression was employed for the analysis of data. After analysis of data the I was arrived at conclusion that teacher communication skills have significant role in the academic achievement of the students.

Keywords: Communication Skills, Students Academics


Problem Statement:

Considering Government Huge use investment in public Education its’ output in term of quality of student performance as been observed to be unequal with Government expensive teacher .Hence Result in deterioration of the Academic achievement attitude and values of school student’s .In effectiveness of teacher’s in classroom interaction with student could be Responsible for the observed poor performance of student .The study is designed determined if teacher communication skills significantly have influence to the academic performance of student’s at Elementary Level.

Communication skills involve listening and speaking as well as reading and writing. For effective Teaching a teacher need to be highly skilled in all these areas. Teacher with good communication always make the things easier and understandable (Freddie Silver).

Q:01)why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic ? Relate it to your experience /problem in your classroom /institution  


The issue of poor academic performance is to off such extend that teachers are held responsive for the fallen standard of education .some people criticizes teacher for not having effective communication at their disposal which reflect in the performance of their duties .

Communication is used to describe the process of changing of information between people of means of speaking, writing and active listening or using the common system of behavior .communication is considered to be most important aspect of effective teaching which creates the rapport among the student- effective communication involves the most accurate sending and receiving of information, full comprehension of the message by both parties.  appropriate Action is taken upon the completion the information exchange. An classroom setting, teacher thought’s and content of 1st prepared as a written message, and presented to the students throw verbal means. This description of teacher Job summaries the Act Art, Process of communication

Furthermore, Student’s character building and academic background totally depends upon the professional attitude of teachers. If teachers adopt positive professional attitude towards the students in their academic and as well as their social achievements, then students can easily promote their academic level. Teacher has the responsibility to teach and practically prepare students for the purpose that they can cope with all type of situations. It also comes under the responsibilities of teacher to behave as role model to the students

We found that when teachers create a sense of community, respond to students and

Foster positive relationships, students are more engaged and enthusiastic about learning

And tend to perform better academically.


The main reason of selecting the topic of soft skill was to measure the significance of these skills in student’s performance and overall school development.
These soft skills are very important for a teacher to make or break career of student. They also give a teacher sound footing to work with students, parents, administration and other teachers and it ultimately improve teacher’s effectiveness. From these soft skills the communication skill plays a vital role.

So the reason of my research is  to find the causes at school level/(Elementary level)  .how a teacher  that having a good communication effects  on student learning process  and I will  find the results , how much improvements and changes comes  by good verbal English language communication in class like on his/her  domain Academic performance ,social life   and family status 

